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Dear Don Angelo,

You claim:

“2. However, even the first answer contains errors because the body of Jesus was formed only from the gamete offered by the Blessed Virgin, miraculously fertilized by virtue of the Holy Spirit.

There was no male gamete at that time.

3. If Jesus was conceived by a male gamete, he would only be a man.

Instead he is man because he is generated by the Blessed Virgin and is God because he was conceived by the Holy Spirit, which he fertilized without creating a male gamete.

Therefore, the conception of Christ is miraculous.”

See: HERE  
Well, how can these positions be reconciled with the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew? And why then does the Evangelist come to Saint Joseph?

Thanks for what you can tell us. AMpg (Hail Mary full of Grace).

Priest’s answer

Dear friend,

1. The narration of the genealogies coincides perfectly with the statements found on our site and reported by you.

2. Matthew’s genealogy ends like this: “Matthan the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Of her was born Jesus who is called the Messiah” (Mt 1.15-16).

As can be clearly seen, while previously it was said that Matthan had begotten Jacob, Jacob had begotten Joseph, as indeed in the whole genealogy since its beginning, when it comes to Joseph it is not said: Joseph begat Jesus, because then Jesus would have simply been a man like everyone else.

But: “Jacob the father of Joseph”, the husband of Mary from her (and not from him) Jesus, called Christ, was born.

3. One might ask why the genealogy is made starting from David if in the end Joseph, who is his descendant, has nothing to do with the paternity of Jesus.

Instead, it is appropriate because it was necessary to marry within the same tribe so that the assets as a whole remained intact and divided tribe by tribe.

From this we deduce that the Blessed Virgin was of the lineage of David.

Fully entitled, therefore, Jesus will be called son of David, with the characteristic name with which the Messiah was called.

4. Similarly in the genealogy presented by Saint Luke we read: “When Jesus began his ministry he was about thirty years of age. He was the son, as was thought, of Joseph, the son of…” (Lk 3:23-24).

That phrase “as was thought” is important because from an external point of view everyone believed him to be the son of Saint Joseph. No one knew of his divine origins except Mary and Joseph..

5. It is specifically said “as it was believed” because it appeared that way, but it did not conform to reality.

I bless you, I remember you in prayer and I wish you all the best.

Father Angelo