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Good morning father Angelo,

I have a question for you.

I read about the so-called “aureole”, a spiritual ornament that is given to doctors of the Church, virgins and martyrs. Is it true? Do martyrs, virgins, and doctors have “that something more” in Heaven?

I thank you immensely for the service you provide through the Internet, I will remember you in my prayers to the Lord and to the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Dear Marco,

1. In the Second Epistle to Timothy, Saint Paul writes: «From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance» (2 Timothy 4,8).

The crown is a symbol of royal power. All those who are in Heaven are the winners sitting upon the same throne of our Lord: «I will give the victor the right to sit with me on my throne, as I myself first won the victory and sit with my Father on his throne» (Revelation 3,21).

Saint Thomas says that «this reward is called a “crown“, or “aurea” metaphorically, both with reference to merit which is gained by a kind of conflict—since “the life of man upon earth is a warfare” (Job 7:1)—and with reference to the reward whereby in a way man is made a participator of the Godhead, and consequently endowed with regal power: “Thou hast made us to our God a kingdom,” etc. (Apocalypse 5:10)». 

Actually, the crown is the beatific vision of God.

2. However, there are some in Heaven that receive a halo in addition to the golden crown, also called essential reward.

The concept of ‘halo’ comes from the words that God said to Moses: “thou… shalt make another little golden crown (aureole)” (Exodus 25,25).

This is not an increase in perfection, which is essentially related to the degree of charity one has reached, but a particular splendor and joy, “which makes beatitude shine brighter”.

Therefore, “it is not the more excellent essential reward that is called an aureole, but that which is added to the essential reward without reference to the essential reward of the possessor of an aureole being greater, or less than, or equal to the essential reward of one who has no aureole”(Summa Theologiae, Supplement, 96, 1, ad 2).

3. There are three categories of people that have this aureole: virgins, martyrs and doctors.

4. First of all, the virgins.

In fact «a gloss (traditional commentary) on Exodus 25:25: “Thou shalt also make a little golden crown [coronam aureolam]” says: “This crown denotes the new hymn which the virgins sing in the presence of the Lamb, those, to wit, who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.”

Therefore the reward due to virginity is called an aureole» (Summa Theologiae, Supplement, 96, 5, Sed Contra). 

5. And here is why: «where there is a notable kind of victory, a special crown is due.

Wherefore since by virginity a person wins a signal victory over the flesh, against which a continuous battle is waged: “The flesh lusteth against the spirit,” etc. (Galatians 5:17), a special crown called the aureole is due to virginity.This indeed is the common opinion of all» (Ib., corpus).

6. Even Our Lady enjoys the aureole of virginity «to be conformed in this to those other members of the Church in whom virginity is found: and although she had no conflict by reason of the temptation which is of the flesh, she had the temptation which is of the enemy, who feared not even Christ (Matthew 4)» (Ib., ad 2).

7. Saint Thomas also adds: « If a virgin is violated, she does not forfeit the aureole, provided she retains unfailingly the purpose of observing perpetual virginity, and nowise consent to the act.

Nor does she forfeit virginity thereby; and be this said, whether she be violated for the faith, or for any other cause whatever.

But if she suffers this for the faith, this will count to her for merit, and will be a kind of martyrdom: wherefore Saint Lucy said: “If thou causest me to be violated against my will, my chastity will receive a double crown”; not that she has two aureoles of virginity, but that she will receive a double reward, one for observing virginity, the other for the outrage she has suffered.

Even supposing that one thus violated should conceive, she would not for that reason forfeit her virginity: nor would she be equal to Christ’s mother, in whom there was integrity of the flesh together with integrity of the mind» (Ib., ad 4).

8. There is also a particular aureole that is due to martyrs.

Here is what Saint Thomas writes: «Augustine says: “No one, methinks, would dare prefer virginity to martyrdom.” If an aureole is due to virginity, it is certainly granted to martyrdom.

The crown is due to anybody who has striven. In martyrdom, the strife presents a special difficulty. Therefore, a special aureole is due thereto» (Summa Theologiae, Supplement, 96, 6, sed contra).

9. And here is why: «Just as in the spirit there is a conflict with the internal concupiscences, so is there in man a conflict with the passion that is inflicted from without.

Wherefore, just as a special crown, which we call an aureole, is due to the most perfect victory whereby we triumph over the concupiscences of the flesh, in a word to virginity, so too an aureole is due to the most perfect victory that is won against external assaults. (…) Consequently, an aureole is due to martyrdom as well as to virginity» (Ib., corpus).

10. Lastly, there is an aureole for doctors.

Saint Thomas reports the thought of Tradition: «A gloss on Ephesians 1:18-19, “That you may know (…) what is the exceeding greatness”. “The holy doctors will have an increase of glory above that which all have in common”. 

Further, a gloss on Canticle of Canticles 8:12, “My vineyard is before me,” says: “He describes the peculiar reward which He has prepared for His doctors.” Therefore doctors will have a peculiar reward: and we call this an aureole» (Summa Theologiae, Supplement, 96, 7, sed contra).

11. Here’s the motivation: «just as by virginity and martyrdom a person wins a most perfect victory over the flesh and the world, so is a most perfect victory gained over the devil, when a person not only refuses to yield to the devil’s assaults, but also drives him out, not from himself alone, but from others also. Now this is done by preaching and teaching: wherefore an aureole is due to preaching and teaching, even as to virginity and martyrdom» (Ib., corpus).

12. And also: «when it is stated that an aureole is due to teaching, this is to be understood of the teaching of things pertaining to salvation, by which teaching the devil is expelled from men’s hearts, as by a kind of spiritual weapon, of which it is said: “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual” (2 Corinthians 10,4)» (Ib., corpus).

I thank you for this question, which helps us hold in due esteem consecrated virginity, martyrdom, and predication.

I bless you and assure you of remembrance to the Lord.

Father Angelo