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Dear Father,
I want to ask you a question, to which several priests did not know or want to answer. It’s an “evil” question, if you want (in any case, it is “extreme” and also “impossible”), but I would be glad if there was a clear and convincing answer.
In practice, if, for an extreme assumption, ALL of us on this Earth were to behave like Jesus Christ, loving like He loved us and particularly practicing chastity, mankind would become extinct. Because there would not be a biological life anymore, with biological descendants.
Am I right? It’s an extreme and impossible assumption, but I often ask myself this question.
I thank you for your answer.
Best wishes for the Holy Holidays.
Answer from the priest
Dear Angelo,
1. loving other people like Christ loved us does not necessarily mean we have to be bachelors.
How many married Saints loved to the same extent as Christ did.
2. Practicing charity to the highest degree is not a prerogative of the people who took a vow of chastity.
The vow is a mean to foster charity, but it isn’t its synonym.
3. Right now, I’m thinking about Saint Therese of the Child Jesus’s father, who has been proclaimed Saint by the Church and is thus canonized.
Well, being a family man, he practiced charity to his highest possible degree, as supernatural love for the Lord.
4. He gave a beautiful testimony of this love when Therese went to the Bishop to ask him the grace to enter the monastery at 15.
Despite the Bishop said that it was better for her to wait a little longer, and to stay with her dad and make him happy instead, her father – not thinking about him – supported his daughter’s choice.
5. Here is the story from Story of a Soul:
“They came into the room where we were waiting. There were three large armchairs in front of the fireplace, where a bright fire blazed. As his Lordship entered, my Father and I knelt for his blessing; then he made us sit down. Father Révérony offered me the armchair in the middle. I excused myself politely, but he insisted, telling me to show if I knew how to obey I did so without any more hesitation, and was mortified to see him take an ordinary chair while I was buried in an enormous seat that would comfortably have held four children like me—more comfortably in fact, for I was far from being at ease.
I hoped that Papa was going to do all the talking, but he told me to explain the reason of our visit. I did so as eloquently as I could […].
The Bishop asked how long I had wanted to enter the Carmel. “A very long time, my Lord!”. “Come!” said the Vicar-General, laughing, “it cannot be as long as fifteen years.” “That is true,” I answered, “but it is not much less, for I have wished to give myself to God from the time I was three.” (…).
The Bishop, no doubt to please Papa, tried to explain that I ought to remain some time longer with him; but, to his great surprise and edification, my Father took my part, adding respectfully that we were going to Rome with the diocesan pilgrimage, and that I should not hesitate to speak to the Holy Father if I could not obtain permission before then. (…).
His Lordship then took us to the garden and […] remarked that such a thing had never been seen—a father as anxious to give his child to God as the child was to offer herself (Story of a Soul).
6. Moreover, we must remember that Jesus is the Lord of history and knows how to guide it wisely.
Through His Holy Spirit, He is able to raise different vocations within the Church.
Thus, there will always be, until the end of time, the vocation to marriage and the vocation to procreation, which is then the ordinary path for every man and woman.
The Lord wishes to increase the number of His siblings and children of the Father.
The vocation to consecrated virginity and chastity for the heavenly kingdom is an unusual path. In fact, He said: “Whoever can accept this ought to accept it” (Matt. 19:12).
The Lord meant that this is His gift, and it is not meant for everyone, so not everyone can understand it.
8. As you see, you can put your mind at ease.
Your question may seem weird, but it’s quite common. But you should not forget that consecrated virginity and chastity for the heavenly kingdom are gifts from the Lord, and they are not a free choice made by men.
I wish you a blessed Advent, I entrust you to the Lord and I bless you.
Father Angelo