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Dear Father Angelo,

perhaps my question is a bit silly, but I have a doubt that occurred to me after speaking with my brother, who is a priest.

Some years ago, during a period abroad, I sometimes  attended Mass at the fraternity of St. Pius X, and even had Holy Communion there.

I did it with simplicity, without adhering to their ideas, just like that; a little bit out of curiosity and a little bit because I was more comfortable with hearing Mass in Latin (TLM) with the Old Rite compared to the Ostrogothic English that is spoken in Scotland where I was staying.

Now, my brother told me that I should accuse myself of this or at least bring it to confession. I have  never done so because I don’t feel there was something wrong. Actually I even enjoyed that experience as I kind of found myself in there. It was the first time I attended the Tridentine rite and I honestly don’t understand all the animus that priests like my brother have towards it. However, if it is really necessary I will confess this as a  sin, even if  there might be a  little point in confessing something which, in conscience, I do not regret, especially now that the Pope has regularized the 1962 missal. What are your thoughts on the matter?

I really enjoy the accurate and truly orthodox answers I find on this site. It is a very useful resource which I have just recently discovered.

From now on, when I have  doubts concerning the faith I know where to look for an answer. I like the Dominicans’ way of reasoning, they have a brilliant mind.

Please offer a “Holy Mary” for me.

All the best.

Priest’s reply


1. the society of St. Pius X (SSPX) founded by Bishop Lefebvre is schismatic. That means that it is in a state of disobedience to the Pope.

Recently, in order to facilitate a dialogue with this fraternity,  and with the intent of leading it back to full communion in faith and charity with the Catholic Church, the Pope has  lifted the excommunications of  bishops and priests of that fraternity that had incurred to them after their  performance of  an act expressly and gravely forbidden by the Law of the Church.

Nevertheless, the members of the society of St. Pius X are still schismatics.

2. You participated with simplicity in the Masses celebrated by them.

If you were unaware of the prohibition for Catholics to participate in their celebrations, you did not commit a grave sin.

In order to commit a mortal sin, in addition to grave matter (that is present in your case), it is also  necessary to have full knowledge of its gravity and deliberate consent of the will.

In your case, these two elements were not present when attending the Mass, and therefore per se you are not required to confess a sin you did concretely committed only in a material way.

3. Your brother went too far in saying that you must confess the Mass attendance.

But he was not wrong in saying that there still is a prohibition to participate in their liturgies and especially to the celebration of the sacraments.

4. Manifesting animosity toward the Ancient Rite is not correct.

The Church has been giving glory to God with that rite for about two thousand years.

That is why Benedict XVI, as you noted yourself, has permitted the use of it under certain conditions.

5. However, the Church correctly implemented the Liturgical Reform after the Council to make the faithful more involved in the celebration.

For example, it is certainly no small thing to be able to hear the Word of God in our own language, to savor it, nourish our life with it and let it illuminate our path.

6. I thank you for what you said about our site.

I gladly assure you not only a Hail Mary, but also a special remembrance in the Holy Mass and the rest of my prayers.

I bless you.

Father Angelo