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Good evening Father Angelo,
My name is Paolo. I would like to ask you a question: what value does online Eucharistic adoration have? Is it possible to equate it to real adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and what effects does it produce?
I thank you if you can enlighten me, pray for me, I remember you in my prayers to the Lord and I thank you for the many benefits you bring to this wonderful site.
Hello Father Angelo,
I ask you: what value does Eucharistic adoration via TV or mobile phone have?
Can indulgences be obtained with adoration done with the same means?
Lastly, what value does the blessing of the priest and the Pope via media have?
Many thanks.
Priest’s answer
Dear Paolo,
1. the effectiveness of online adoration depends on the devotion and degree of charity with which it is carried out.
2. In this regard, it is nice to remember that in 1844 in Paris the idea of establishing “an association of pious people who adored the Holy Sacrament at night” had occurred to Monsignor De la Bouillerie, vicar general of the diocese.
In 1846 this association was established. The objective was that of nocturnal adoration at home.
In those days one certainly couldn’t think of online worship.
However, there was the belief that it was an excellent thing to adore the Eucharist from afar, from one’s own home and especially at night.
Undoubtedly a very great sacrifice was added to this adoration: it was done at night, interrupting and sacrificing sleep.
It is not possible to quantify the effectiveness of this adoration and compare it with that done in Church during the day. But certainly the merit must have been very great.
3. Shortly after the Paris association, another was founded in Lyon, while a Brief from Pius IX granted the right to aggregate all associations that had more or less the same purpose.
When the Eucharistic Encyclopedia was published in 1964 this association was still alive. About it we could read: “Without noise, but incessantly, this institution of prayer and penance continued its action through thousands of nights.
Two canonical centers, in Paris and Lyon, collect and present to God the silent adorations of a multitude of fervent souls, far from the churches and often held back by illness, who are spiritually transported before the solitary tabernacles.
People in charge are asked for a monthly hour, between eight in the evening and eight in the morning, during which they unite with the great intentions of the church” (Eucharistic Encyclopedia, 1964, p. 449 T-E).
4. I don’t know if these nocturnal Eucharistic adoration associations still exist at home. But this serves to answer the question.
If nocturnal adoration at home is effective, there is no doubt that online adoration also has similar effectiveness.
5. Certainly Eucharistic adoration in Church, in presence, has many advantages.
First of all there is the sacramental presence, which is a real presence and not just a spiritual one.
Saint Faustina Kowalska very often saw rays starting from the consecrated particle which communicated graces to the people present.
This happened especially when the priest blessed the faithful with the monstrance.
6. Furthermore, worship in church is advantageous because you are away from the distractions that arise every moment when you are at home via the telephone or intercom.
In church no one disturbs. Everyone stays in their place in great silence without moving from one side to the other.
The presence of other faithful and the priest can help you to be fervent.
Finally, worship is done in a sacred place.
Doing it in a sacred place means that you are accompanied by the protective Angels of those places and by the patron Saints, in particular those whose relics are venerated in that Church.
So objectively there are advantages in worshiping in Church.
7. But if we keep in mind that the effectiveness of adoration also depends on the devotion and charity of those who perform it, sometimes that done online could be more effective than that done in Church.
Especially if it is accompanied by the offering of one’s suffering and also of one’s solitude, as can happen for elderly or sick people.
8. Regarding indulgences, the current rule applies: the sick and disabled can also take them by doing adoration on their own. In our case online.
Regarding the effectiveness of the blessing imparted at the end of adoration: it depends largely on the devotion of those who receive it and also on the intention of those who give it.
But if it is the Pope who blesses urbi et orbi, the blessing has the same value as that received by those present. This is because the Pope established it.
Wishing you all the best, I assure my prayers and I bless.
Father Angelo