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Good evening Father,
Could you please explain to me the difference between meekness and humility?
Thank you, peace and good!
Dear Michele,
1. Jesus said:“take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, from I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:29).
In order to learn meekness it is necessary to look at Jesus , who proved Himself meek in every circumstance, but especially during His passion. Jesus endured patiently and without protesting all sorts of villainy and cruelty. According to the teaching of the Gospel, meekness is a confident and quiet submission to divine Providence.
2. According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, meekness or clemency moderates anger or uncontrolled aggressiveness (cf. Summa theologiae, II-II, 157,1). At the same time, meekness above all makes a man self-possessed, and therefore fosters brotherly love.
3. Meekness, again according to Saint Thomas, “directs man to the knowledge of God” (Ib., II-II, 157, 4, ad 1). As a matter of fact, as it makes a man self-possessed, it prevents him from contradicting the words of the truth, “which many do through being disturbed by anger”.
4. On the other hand, humility properly regards the reverence whereby man is subject to God. “We must not only revere God in Himself, but also that which is His in each one” (Ib., II-II, 161, 3, ad 1).
5. If meekness restrains anger or the impetuousness of rage, humility, by prompting one to see the greatness of God in all things, moderates pride, which is a self-exaltation that makes us forget that we are creatures and hides our limitations from us. For this reason, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux defines it as that “very genuine self-knowledge that makes one become wretched in his own eyes” (cf. Saint Bernard, De Adventu Domini, sermo 4) [T.N.: unfortunately, I was unaware to find an English version of St. Bernard’s book. This being the case, this is just my own translation of Father Angelo’s quotation and as might be inaccurate. I apologise with the reader].
I wish you to be meek and humble in heart like Jesus and to always find in Him rest for your soul, I remember you in my prayers and I bless you.
Father Angelo