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Dear Father Angelo,
I am an Indian of Sikh religion and, just recently, I started to follow the Bible.
I do like the Lord Jesus and I also pray.
In our Sikh religion there is nothing against Catholicism and I tried to compare the two religions (although I do not like to talk about religions) and I noticed that my 10 teachers told us almost the same teachings as Jesus, with the only difference that He is the son of God Omnipotent. I pray to God more, but I also pray to Jesus as well.
My mind, though, is persecuted by involuntary blasphemies that cause me extreme pain:
what can I do about this?
I always ask the Father (Whom we call Waheguru, Hari, Gobind…) for forgiveness and to help me to turn away from these blasphemous thoughts.
Answer from the priest
My Dear,
1. I agree with you that If you look at the different religions from the outside, we can find many affinities.
But in the Christianity there is something peculiar because it does not consists simply into adhering to some teachings, but in living an experience of life with Christ, Whom we recognize as God made man, died, resurrected and, exactly for this reason – while He is at the right hand of the Father – at the same time He is next to us and within us.
2. And so, through Christ, God comes to dwell in the heart of man, according to Jesus’ beautiful promise: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him” (John 14, 23).
When the divine People come to dwell in the heart of a man, the soul is invaded by grace and feels the divine presence.
3. This presence could be disturbed by man’s enemy, by our common adversary.
Often, it is disturbed especially in newly converted by blasphemous thoughts.
These thoughts do not constitute sin from the part of the subject, because he does not give any consent.
Nevertheless, they are disturbing and, sometimes, particularly heavy.
4. However, even the malefic action of the common enemy does not escape God’s rule, actually, to the sovereign domain of Jesus Christ, because to His name – and that is invoking His presence – everything obey Him.
It is attested by Saint Paul when he says: “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2,10).
Even what is under the earth – symbolic expression that designates the demons – obey Him.
5. It is what is reported in the Gospel of Luke in the tenth chapter: “The seventy[-two] returned rejoicing, and said: «Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name». Jesus said: «I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky.
Behold, I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm you.
Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven»” (Luke 10,17-20).
6. With these words, the Lord wants to say that it is a great power to cast away the demons.
But, it is still not sufficient to ensure eternal life. Also Juda exercised this power.
Therefore, while it is a good thing to rejoice in God’s gifts, it is a thing of major importance and greater joy that our names, that is our person, can be found in heaven.
7. Thus, I urge you to invoke the name of Jesus from within your heart.
Jesus means God saves, or also Savior.
And in His presence everyone, even the demons that besiege you with blasphemous obsessions, is forced to bend their knees, and that is to obey Him and leave.
I gladly follow you with my prayer so that Jesus saves you and I bless you.
Father Angelo